Sometimes it’s not just the shirt that’s funny—it’s the context you wear it in. here are some incredibly random, and incredibly brilliant moments when people wore the shirt that was absolutely perfect for the situation they found themselves in!
You Made the Stripe Choice!
It’s one thing if there’s one person wearing the same color as you, or even the same pattern as you. But it’s extremely weird if it’s the same pattern, same color, and four of the same! Did we say weird? We meant freakin’ awesome!

You Made The Stripe Choice
Hey, That’s Me!
When this woman chose this shirt, she probably wasn’t expecting Andrew Scott himself to appear at her side. Oh, well- as they say, when the shirt calls your name, you must answer! Or maybe he just wanted his t-shirt back…

Hey, That’s Me
Fortune-Telling Shirt?
Some t-shirt slogans are there to warn you. Clearly, this is one of those cases…this guy’s t-shirt says it all…we wonder what the other guy has on? Maybe what he said… That t-shirt is officially cursed…

Fortune Telling Shirt
A Shirt’s Gotta Eat…
This guy wasn’t expecting his KISS t-shirt to be getting food before him…but there you go. Sometimes, place and time are just too perfect. Imagine if the kid had chosen a different seat? A golden opportunity would have just gone down the drain…

A Shirt’s Gotta Eat…
When a t-shirt makes your dreams come true…
How adorable is this picture?? This guy is obviously thrilled to meet his hero. His face just says it all. Luckily, since he was probably speechless, the t-shirt could do the talking for him! How nice!

When A T Shirt Makes Your Dreams Come True
Becoming One with the Traffic Cone
We all have those days—you wake up, and you’re like—hey, why not look like a traffic cone today? This guy probably confused a whole lot of people. His outfit is an opportunity for a plethora of pranks!

Becoming One With The Traffic Cone
You complete me
It’s a romantic story—somewhere, out there in the galaxy, is your other half just waiting for you. You never know…lesson learned: always wear galaxy-themed shirts. The stars might very well align for you someday!

You Complete Me
Dressing for the Occasion
This guy is clearly a glass-half-full kind of guy. After getting into this unfortunate situation, he cheered himself up by saying—hey, at least I get to wear this t-shirt! There’s a lot we can learn from this fine young man…

Dressing For The Occasion
When T-Shirts Talk
Hey, just because your shirt’s main job is to keep you warm, doesn’t mean it can’t have a life of its own. These two t-shirts are clearly challenging each other. That’s one sassy convo taking place!

When T Shirts Talk
Accurate Staining
By nature, stains are meant to be accidental and randomly placed. Not so in this case—this individual seems to have gotten the exact right type of stain on the exact right spot. It makes sense this bird would need a toilet break after sitting on that branch for all eternity…

Accurate Staining
Ken You Handle this?
This guy clearly admires this doll’s sense of style. We gotta admire his pride in matching the plastic figure. Also—it’s not such a bad shirt. Very holiday-like. Maybe the two are on their way out to a resort!

Ken You Handle This
On Wednesday, we wear plaid…
Clearly, there was a dress code here. We hope that everyone was informed. It would be a bummer if someone had to be kicked out over this. But hey- being plaid right is important! No one can deny that…

On Wednesdays, We Wear Plaid
You Can’t Tell Me What to Do!
This guy may had been hoping for one reaction with this t-shirt but ended up getting the exact opposite. This fella next to him must have thought this to be a selfie to delicious not to take…we agree. The results are hilarious!

You Can’t Tell Me What To Do
Being Catty
Cats aren’t the friendliest creatures by nature. But we humans love them anyway! Including these two students. Friendship is surely about to blossom here! Timing like this doesn’t come every day, that’s for sure. Not sure how cats will feel about their shirt choice though…

Being Catty
Hotel Ready
This woman may have thought that if she could camouflage with this hotel properly, she could stay a little longer. It’s easier to get a late checkout when you’re invisible. At least that’s what we think…

Hotel Ready
Total Bond!
This t-shirt is just cuteness overload. In case this dog ever worries that his owner doesn’t come back, he’s got this t-shirt to keep him calm. By far the best dog t-shirt out there. All we can really add here is Awwwww…

Total Bond
The Real Superman!
It’s finally happened! The real superman is revealing his true identity—right next to this impostor too! Great, we will never be able to trust people again when they say they’re superman…This changes everything. All trust has officially vanished from the world.

The Real Superman
Seeing Double
Don’t worry—your vision is just fine! These ladies just happen to be wearing the same shirt, and the same bag, and…walking the same way? Wait, are we seeing double? Time to make a call to the optometrist…

Seeing Double
Not Just in Sesame Street!
It turns out the Cookie Monster isn’t just in Sesame Street…he’s everywhere! Even on t-shirts…we wouldn’t be surprised if these guys ask for a glass of milk and cookies instead of bear and pretzels. His power comes from within!

Not Just In Sesame Street
Florida Is The Best State
Florida is well known for being the flattest state in the U.S. This girl is such a loving resident she has even gone and got herself a t-shirt with the state itself on the shirt! However, have you ever noticed that the state of Florida somewhat resembles that of a handgun? Coincidence? Perhaps not…

Florida Is The Best State
You Can Get Away With It When You’re Cute
This little cutie says it all with his t-shirt. We’re sure his parents are more amused than frustrated. We wonder what his goal was with that marker…but hey, he definitely faced up to the challenge (whatever it was)!

You Can Get Away With It When You’re Cute
Be One with the T-Shirt
“Hey, this guy will go great with my t-shirt!” Clearly, this was a match made in heaven. If these guys aren’t friends already, we think this is what will make their connection blossom. How lovely! If only we could get a bit more of the backstory…how…? Why…? What…?

Be One With The T Shirt
Living Up to Your T-Shirt!
Nap time is no laughing matter! This gentleman takes this pastime very seriously and wants the whole world to know the level of dedication he has to this fine, fine art…teach us, sensei! We want to learn!

Living Up To Your T Shirt
When a Dude Meets The Dude
Jeff Bridges is clearly making this guy’s dream come true. Jeff looks rather amused, we must say. It’s interesting to think how many times a year he finds a fella with an image of him on his t-shirt. We think more than what might be expected.

When A Dude Meets The Dude
Not Quite Thinking Safety
This guy may have meant the best with this shirt, but he’s not quite living up to its expectations. Well, at least he has his hoodie on—keeping warm is a form of safety too, you know! Still, it would be warmer inside the car…just saying.

Not Quite Thinking Safety
A Bear Resemblance
Sometimes opportunity strikes and you just have to take a picture accordingly. This bearded fella is doing an impressive job keeping his face straight and devoid of laughter while the picture is being taken. We’re impressed!

A Bear Resemblance
Gasp! Impostor!
This is precisely the reaction to anyone who puts on a cow-themed t-shirt is hoping for! We wonder if this cow will be disappointed or confused when she realizes that this is just another human rather than a fellow cow roaming free…

Gasp! Impostor!
Seriously— what are the chances?
We can’t say whether or not this person came first place in the marathon, but we definitely know he came first place in the weirdest t-shirt coincidence ever. Well, we hope this only served him as a good luck charm…run along now!

Seriously What Are The Chances
Not a Pig Deal
This guy looks like he’s seriously having some second thoughts about his t-shirt choice for this occasion. But, hey, at least the picture itself gets some chuckles! And bacon is delicious, so…. we’re not judging him too badly here…

Not A Pig Deal
A Varied Fanbase
Some people are just more permanent fans than others. Still, at least these guys had a decent conversation starter between them. That’s always a relief when that happens. The question is, who’s judging who, here.

A Varied Fanbase
The Tooth Comes Out
We’d say this girl is less smiley, and more growly. Perhaps this was her revenge against her parents for trying to force an emotion on her. Maybe the t-shirt should say “Famous for My Freedom of Expression!” instead.

The Tooth Comes Out
Meeting the Voice
Not everyone will get this one right away, but don’t worry—we’ll fill you in: that guy to the right is none other than Ryan Drummond, the voice behind ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ (you know, that character depicted on this other dude’s t-shirt). Well, the two look thoroughly happy with this coincidence!

Meeting The Voice
When You Find Out You’re in Style
This guy found out his choice of clothing for the day is definitely in. Well, what do you do when you find out you’ve secretly been a fashion icon all along? Why you strike a pose of course! Work it!

When You Find Out You’re In Style
Unknowing Fans
Maybe these young girls didn’t know it (or maybe they did), but they were establishing themselves as huge fans of the rap group Wu-Tang Clan…We really don’t think coincidences can get more brilliant than this! Glad someone was there to take a picture.

Unknowing Fans
Oh, Snap!
Well, you know what they say—when a moment in your life leaves you speechless, let your t-shirt do the talking. Being hit by a giant body of water is definitely a time to go oooooooh, snap!. The guy himself may have a tricky time saying it though while water is in his face. Ergo the t-shirt.

Oh, Snap!
Aiming for the Stars is Overrated
This guy figured out that overdoing the ambitious bit is just sooo not worth it. He decided the lax route is the one for him, and with this t-shirt, he’s let his teachers know! Looks like he’s the one teaching the life-lesson. And with that winning smile, the message becomes clear!

Aiming For The Stars Is Overrated
A Dairy Odd Reference, Indeed!
While this guy was hardly expecting to meet George Lucas himself while wearing this t-shirt, we think the results were worth it: Lucas is certainly confused and that facial expression is just brilliant. It’s not every day you get to thoroughly confuse a celebrity.

A Dairy Odd Reference, Indeed!
Good For Them
Can you belieb that these dudes are Justin fans? It takes a strong man to come out and declare this; these guys are proud! It even looks like they are going for Bieber’s old haircut! You know, the one from the “baby” days. We wonder if this was perhaps a dare, seeing as how their faces tell an entirely different story.

Good For Them
Is It Worth Asking?
There are times when you simply do not need to butt in. If you see a man trying to make amends with a friend, you should probably let them deal with their own problems. But, just to be clear, you should never refer to a friend as a “duck.”

Is It Worth Asking?
Asking For It
This one had us chuckling. If you anticipate having some issues with the legal system, perhaps it is best not to wear a shirt explicitly saying “GUILTY”. If there was an easier way to admit your guilt, please tell us because we can’t think of any! We suppose this guy learned the hard way, he doesn’t look best pleased.

Asking For It
Taking Credit Where It’s Due
Anorexia can be a pretty hard thing to conquer, so we truly applaud this gentleman for doing just that. We are sure that his next goal will be defeating obesity, but let’s allow him to have his moment in the sun, just for a little while.

Taking Credit Where It’s Due
Well It Worked
Subliminal messages, without a doubt, have an impact on our minds and decisions, such as when you bought a new product instead of the one you typically buy. However, it’s possible that this isn’t the exact subliminal message we’re looking for, despite the fact that it plainly works. At the end of the day, why should he have to hide anything? If this fellow is a chick magnet, he should be proud! The girl does look somewhat perplexed, however.

Well It Worked
Nothing Wrong With Confidence
Don’t worry ladies, this guy has it all under control. He is so popular with the girls that they have been fighting for him! Fortunately, as his shirt explains, there is in fact plenty of him to go around. Sure, you might need to be a little patient but patience is a virtue and the rewards will certainly pay dividends!

Nothing Wrong With Confidence
So Close
How familiar are you with the phrase “nice try, but no cigar?”. The lady pictured below certainly knows how that feels! She is actually inspirational, because we suppose any of us could be almost famous, it just takes a viral video, a viral meme; who knows, after this picture, perhaps this woman achieved fame!

So Close
He’s Got Standards
This guy knows what he wants. He has set his standards and will not settle for anything less! However, it might not come as so much of a shock to learn that this man hasn’t actually had a date in 20 years. It’s almost like models don’t date guys with beer bellies, an ego and a filthy shirt! Perhaps he needs to rethink his strategy.

He’s Got Standards
Clear As Crystal
If you’re not sure whether this woman is inebriated or ready to be go out dating, simply look at her clothes. It’s like hitting two birds with one stone, as the saying goes. Everything is written on a shirt in this example. This girl needs to have a few drinks before she’s ready to talk to you.

Clear As Crystal
What Does Hers Say?
This man’s shirt is a little brutal, but super honest. At the end of the day, he might not think so much of himself, but he is prepared to wait until alcohol has had it’s effect to meet his ladies. If the girl in front of him is playing the game, she looks like she’ll be well on her way to filling out the requirements of the shirt!

What Does Hers Say?
Sure, at first glance it simply looks like an old guy wearing a pink t-shirt. However, this guy is actually a hit with the ladies, he is a lady-killer! You better keep an eye on your girlfriends, this guy is out and about, ready to take your girlfriend out (for a date)!

Yes, Yes, Food Makes Us Dumb
When it comes to food, we can all identify with this mentality. We can smell it from across the room, and when we see it, we start drooling. Before we stray too far off track, let me just add that food has the ability to make us foolish.

Yes, Yes, Food Makes Us Dumb
A For Effort
Asia! No, Africa! The person responsible for this shirt’s design made more than one mistake and got only one thing right. Fortunately, he wasn’t asked to draw a map of all specific countries in Africa!
This one actually requires a certain level of geography to understand. Well, it actually just requires you to have looked at a world map once. Asia and Africa are similar right? They both start with A, so they must be similar right? Actually, no. The designer of this shirt has made a colossal error in confusing the continent of Africa to the continent of Asia, a continent that looks nothing alike it on a map!

A For Effort
Shaming At Disneyland
If you’re going to Disneyland, you should probably think about what shirt you’ll wear. To be honest, there are just a few shirts you won’t be able to wear there…and this is most likely one of them. Poor Minnie!

Shaming At Disneyland
Good Education
Is this an error? Or is this simply a t-shirt right from the creative marketing of Homer Simpson! Thinking less is good, many people overthink and run themselves ragged with anxiety as a result. However, stupid more… is interesting. I’m not sure if we’re meant to be inspired by this, take it as you will!

Good Education
Bet He Loves This T-Shirt
Is this a clever way to get guys? Or is this girl’s boyfriend frantically running back from wherever he has gone! Either way, we are sure she had a fair group of suitors approach her (before her boyfriend came back, of course). If she is single, kudos to her! People do love danger, in love.

Bet He Loves This T-Shirt
It’s All Their Fault
This guy is still waiting for a lady to ask him out, despite the fact that gender equality is already a widely accepted concept. His resentment for still being alone is palpable, and we have a good idea why. Perhaps it’s time for him to take a go at asking out a girl. Also, to throw that shirt into the garbage!

It’s All Their Fault
Dare Gone Wrong
This one is very interesting. Why would someone publicly declare this? Pool-peeing is nothing to be proud of! Despite the fact this guy has a smirk on his face. If you’re in a pool and you see this guy coming… run.

Dare Gone Wrong
There’s A Twist
This one is a little unusual. Often people might ask another, “Does this make me look fat”. How often does someone ask if they make you look fat? It is a question that could stun you, leaving you rather confused. We’re still a little confused.

There’s A Twist
Why The Stereotype?
Who said blondes were dumb? Is it not just possible that this girl loves collating and collaborating pictures alongside each other for artistic purposes? I mean, we’re sure she doesn’t mean to say she loves college… that would be feeding into a stereotype.

Why The Stereotype?
A Perfect Moment
Surely you have heard of Cops, one of the most popular television programs of recent years. What makes this show famous is not the action or the chase, but the criminals that are funnier than anything else. Wearing the perfect t-shirt, this man is taken to jail. But since he has embroidered it with the shirt he is wearing, let’s hope they reduce his sentence for being funny! In the end, the prediction of his shirt indeed came true.

A Perfect Moment
Night And Day
Good and evil always go hand in hand. We certainly live in a world in which people have opposing ideas. But when you work as a security guard and you see next to you that there is someone with a sweatshirt that says “insecurity” what is more dangerous? Although in this case, it seems that our suspect is not doing anything illegal, but on the contrary he has contributed to this photo that is making us laugh so much. Would he have managed to get out free after a confrontation with the guard?

Night And Day
What appeared to be a day like any other when this man walked out of his house in a t-shirt that exudes such confidence didn’t exactly go to plan. So with his shirt and his quality car, he was going to rule the world. But time had other plans for him. It was a rainy day and he watches how his car finished. It’s good to be confident but be careful not to be too pushy! This shirt is good for those who are going to fulfill it, not for those who end up with their car in dirt.

Only Mother
The television program “My 600-lb Life” consists of people who suffer from obesity but want to have a healthier lifestyle. For this they rely on doctors and family. But apparently, not all members of the family are willing to commit and stick to the schedule. This woman is the mother of a former contestant, but how does her mother expect her to help her son lose weight if she is wearing a hamburger and fries T-shirt? Does she not want her son to succeed?

Only Mother
Two Magnets
Taking a photo with a pretty girl can naturally make you feel pressured no matter how handsome or well-dressed you are, and even if you can’t match her level, you can make her laugh with this cheeky t-shirt that sends a hidden message. The poor guy just wanted a photo but the way this picture was taken makes us understand something different.

Dos Imanes
Cats cause a sensation on the internet because they are cute, adorable, among other reasons. However, there are times when people are so obsessed with them that they take it to the extreme. For example, this girl who is sitting next to a girl who is wearing a cat sweater, she says that she is friends with everyone who likes cats. Do you have cats? What is your favorite breed? If you have cats, what are their names? These are just some of the monotonous questions they will pass to-and-fro as they embark on their journey to friendship.

There is no doubt that there is no more powerful duo than Bush and Shavers when it comes to football. But best of all, when they’re together on the bench they’re just as good as they are on the court. Or at least that’s what we understand from the photo that a real fan was able to take so closely! In this photo these two look like policemen or detectives on a secret mission. However, don’t forget that everything depends on the angle, the perspective and the moment! If Bush had sat on the other side then things would be entirely different.

Perfectly Put
When he was arrested, this man seems to have overlooked the shirt that he was wearing. Yes, it was a funny t-shirt with a metaphor about a vacuum cleaner which is very witty. But when this shirt appears in a different context, things change a lot. Now we are no longer talking about a vacuum cleaner but about a t-shirt that describes very well the situation in which he finds himself. We have no idea why he was arrested, but what we do know is that his reaction and the look in his eyes go hand-in-hand with the cool t-shirt he’s wearing! We’re sure that he’s thinking “Wow, this really sucks.”

Perfectly Put
How Can It Be?
It is true that today the human being is used to documenting everything on social networks no matter how insignificant or illogical something may seem. But, what would you do if you were in this person’s position? Imagine that your mobile has a very particular case and suddenly you find a woman who is wearing exactly the same as your mobile. Yes, today everything is scientifically proven, but this type of occurrence, how do you explain it? It seems that it has been the work of some magic spell. Exactly the same turquoise color at the bottom and the print at the top. What are the chances of such a phenomenon?

How Can It Be?
It is clear that the day in which aliens invade or visit us, the human being will have to take responsibility for their actions and their idiocy. What would the aliens think if they saw this? They would probably be very confused. But their questions and bewilderment would undoubtedly be because of this photo. How would we explain it? This man is wearing a t-shirt of his dog while his dog is wearing the t-shirt in which the photo of his owner appears. It is clearly not the fault of the poor dog because if we see his expression, it seems that he is realizing that there is something that is not normal there. To future aliens who come to visit us, we are sorry but we are as confused as you are with this photo.

It Was You!
Fortunately, society has moved on and we no longer live in the past where women had to give birth to children alone without the support of their husbands. Today the situation has changed and the husband can now be by the wife’s side while they bring their child into the world. But some men go overboard with enthusiasm like this one here. Clearly, this man is not at risk of fainting or having any complications during labor, but if things get rough, he’ll likely be asked to leave the delivery room. It is true that childbirth can sometimes be very painful so a little humor will surely not harm anyone.

It Was You!
English is not such a complex language and anyone can learn it. What is true is that the same word can have numerous meanings, such as the word “desert” can refer to what the definition of desert is, or to the verb to desert, which means to abandon something or someone. Well, the man featured below works in IT, and the t-shirt he’s wearing has a joke written on it that only engineers understand. To be more precise, the phrase refers to a movie called “Sixth Sense” and involves a play on words.

This cute kid was at the gate when he ran into none other than Victoria’s Secret model Rosie Huntington Whitley. But what surprises us the most and what we liked about this photo is that this cute boy is wearing a shirt that refers to models! Of course we can’t ignore the t-shirt he’s wearing in which this kid warns all women that he’s only planning to date models. Fortunately, he has this photo to support what he thinks and to show that he is a man who keeps his word.

Swanson T-Shirts
If you have seen the Parks and Recreations series then without a doubt Nick Offerman is your favorite actor because he plays our favorite character, Ron Swanson. The man in the photo is the number one fan of the great Swanson, and for this very reason, his friend made him a t-shirt with his photo as a gift. Coincidences of life that this lucky man met Nick Offerman in a bar the day he was wearing the shirt that his friend had given him. And here we have the proof that thanks to the shirt, this lucky fist was able to take a picture with his idol
Not Exaggerating
The boys who are in school, use t-shirts as a way to express themselves. To show your personality you might wear a t-shirt with bands on the front, comics and other original ones. Well, our friend here decided to wear a shirt that says ¨I’m the bomb¨. If it was a normal day, this shirt would have been great! But that day, it was the worst day he could have chosen to wear this t-shirt, since that day his school had a bomb threat, and the fact that his t-shirt had the words “I am the bomb” written on it naturally caught the attention of people, but not for good reasons.

Not Exaggerating